Grand Nordic Scholarship Request

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Email *
Name *
Email  student and parent *
Date of birth and grade *
Mailing Address - street or POB, city, zip  *
Phone number *
Comments - Nordic Skiing Experience - where? years?  teams? *
Why do you need a scholarship?  What other scholarships have you applied for? *
Why do you enjoy Nordic Skiing?  What are your ambitions or goals? *
What program are you participating in?  What is the fee for the program?  What equipment costs do you want to submit? *
note -
Thanks for submitting your scholarship request!  You will be advised within approximately 2-3 weeks.  We will scholarship items for sports programs, equipment and school fees under 100 in full and all other items up to 50pct or maximum of 350 per person. We will negotiate for special circumstances.  These will be available annually for both winter and summer programs but please note one scholarship per student per year so choose carefully.  Email    970-887-0547
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