Registration Nextkidney webinar

With this form you register for an online information session about the Nextkidney investment opportunity, the revolutionary portable dialysis device soon going to market in the EU and USA.

The online information session will be with John Stooker (CFO Nextkidney) and Tom Oostrom (director Dutch Kidney Foundation and chair of Nextkidney's supervisory board). You can register below.

We will send the link to the online information session latest 24 hours before the scheduled time.

About Nextkidney

Nextkidney develops a revolutionary portable dialysis device for home use which drastically increases quality of life of kidney patients and lowers healthcare costs with up to 30%. The company has its origin in a collaboration of the Dutch Kidney Foundation and three of the largest Dutch Health insurers (ZilverenKruis, CZ, Menzis). All of them are financially involved and actively support market entry preparations.

Around 2.8 million people undergo dialysis treatment worldwide. There are several home dialysis devices on the market, but Nextkidney beats all of them on the specifications, while the market price will be similar. Therefore, medical doctors from around the world support Nextkidney. 

You can find more information on our website

Why invest now?

The international home dialysis market is predicted to grow at double digit rates over the next few years. This means that major international companies and investment firms are closely following new dialysis innovations. Large sums are paid for innovations that successfully enter the market, creating attractive exit opportunities for early investors. In just 2 months, November - December 2022, Nextkidney raised €4.1 million through crowdfunding to give you an understanding of the interest in this investment opportunity of other informal investors. Nextkidney plans its market launch for 2024.

The return of investment can potentially be 200% - 500% over a 5-year period. This is however no guarantee, it is possible to lose (a part of) your investment.
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If you have questions or input for us, you can enter it below. You can also contact John Stooker directly via 

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