Xochitl Bernadette Moreno - Healing Offerings

Xochitl Bernadette Moreno offers Deep Tissue, Thai Massage stretching,  Ayurvedic Doshic elemental medicine, Clinical Herbalism and lymphatic drainage techniques along with Mexican Sauvada & Curanderismo. She blends these modalities with the use of Cupping, Gua Sha & Reboso (shawl) & sound with the knowledge gained from years of training on location in her various lineages of study for full being integrated alignment.

* Cancellation within 24hrs : 50% payment of scheduled session

* Cash or Venmo, PayPal, CashApp
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Can you give me some possible times for your desired session ?

How do you feel in your bodies ? 
1. Physical
2. Mental / Emotional
3. Energetic
Age :
Body History : 
Physical injuries - muscular / skeletal / surgeries /etc ?
Digestive : 
What’s your elimination like ?
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Please Describe your sleep quality and characteristics. i.e. Sleep uninterrupted through the night, wake multiple times a night, chronic insomnia, wake in the morning feeling rested etc..
Mental / Emotional : history /baseline (please indicate any clinical "diagnosis")
What are some issues you would like to address with our work ?  What are your key concerns ?
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