New Years Traditions 2
Traditions around the world
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1.  In some countries, people eat _____________ which are a symbol (符號) of long life! *
2. People in Spain, Portugal, Central and South America eat _________ for good luck. *
3. In fact, people in Spain have to eat ______ of them to make their wishes come true! (type the number! 5? 10?) *
4. In Turkey, people smash a pomegranate... *
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5. Some people put a/an ___________ in water to see what their next year will be like. *
6. The woman says people in China eat dumplings because they look like *
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7. To celebrate the end of the year, people in some countries eat cakes and cookies... *
8. In Belarus, women play a game with... *
9. In Sweden, people are looking for a lucky ______ hiding in their pudding. *
10. In many countries, people drink alcohol (酒) with a 'toast.' At this time, people will... *
11. The woman drinks her toast to ... *
12. This year (2020), New Year's Eve is on _________ *
Have a wonderful 2021!
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