護老者照顧規劃及管理服務 Care Planning and Management Services for Elderly Carers

Agewhale 明白照顧家中長者毫不容易,所以我們希望透過個人化的支援服務,為照顧者分擔重擔。





At Agewhale, we understand how challenging caring for your older family members can be and we want to make it easier through our personalized support services.

Our Care Consultants are dedicated to understanding your unique situation and creating a tailored care plan just for your family. We can help conduct research, recommend suitable services, liaise with service providers , coordinate care arrangements and assist with other care needs. 
Based on your family's needs, the care plan may include discharge arrangements, healthcare services, community resources, emotional support, family coordination, caregiving skills, medication management, rehabilitation training, home safety, respite services, social activities, legal documents, financial affairs, and end-of-life care.

Think of us as your caring, reliable, and capable friend who is also your personal caregiving project manager. You don’t have to take on caregiving alone. Let us walk this caregiving journey with you. 

Interested to learn how we can relieve your caregiving burden? Simply fill out our simple form and one of our consultants will contact you for a free 20-minute phone call. During the consultation, they can assess your needs and provide a customized service quotation. If you have any questions, please email hello@agewhale.com.

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名字 Name *
電話 Phone number *
電郵 Email  *
請問你與被照顧者的關係?What is your relationship with the care recipient? *

請問你現時擔任的照顧角色? What is your role in caregiving? 

請問你與被照顧者是否同住?Do you live with the care recipient?
請問你目前是否有在工作? Are you currently working? 
請問你擔任照顧者的年期? How long have you been a carer?
請問你會如何形容現時面對照顧的壓力指數?How would you describe the current level of stress as a carer?
沒有壓力 No stress
非常大壓力 Extremely stressed
請問被照顧者的年齡? What is the age of the care recipient?
請問被照顧者的生理性別? What is the biological sex of the care recipient?
請問被照顧者的身體狀況? What is the health condition of the care recipient?
請問你現時照顧長者面對最大的困難是甚麼?What is the biggest challenge you currently face in caregiving?

請問你是從何得知Agewhale 的服務?How did you learn about Agewhale's service? 
請問你何時方便進行電話訪談?When would you be available for a phone call?
偏好語言 Prefered language  *


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