Submit Form for Seeed Educator
For all submitted Seeed Educators are qualified with:                                                                                                                      
- Up to 20% off Discount (on Grove Line ) for Order Expense over $400;                                                                                                                                      - Free Quotas for multiple languages Online lessons;                                                                                                                               - Applying Sponsorship for Workshop/ Course.

*Follow this form to fill in all information, we would receive your requirement and get back to you shortly.*

 *If you are applying for large order discount, we would love to apply for more beneficial quotation.                                           Please keep us informed.*
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Email address *
Ensuring you are accessible via this address.
Tell us in what age range you are.
Tell us about your Organization! *
For instance full name, link, or what kind of community about in it?
What role do you play in your organization? *
In what field you are looking for Seeed's help? *
Seeed would have different specific stuff to assist with various items, please let us know more about your idea.
Are you willing to receive our newsletter on Education Program? *
We would share and spread some of education news less than once a week, including shipping cost adjustment and new released policy, we don't want you to miss out!
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