Psychology Research Project
Welcome to Laurie's Psychology Research Project. 
I am going onto university to study and obtain a degree in 'Psychology in Education' This research is just to build some foundations for my degree as well as settle my interests. Whilst answering, do not be ashamed or embarrassed by your answers, it is COMPLETELY anonymous as I don't require names/emails etc. You are yourself and you should be proud of that. Do not make yourself uncomfortable by answering. If there is a question you cannot answer, select 'other' and type N/A. Please provide as much detail as you are comfortable with me seeing. Only I will be reading the answers. Thankyou 

I am investigating whether the age of your parent at the time you were born influenced your attachment type. 

Please take time to read the disclaimers below before starting the form.

- This questionnaire will remain anonymous at all times with no data being shared, this is for research purposes only.
- You have the right to withdraw your data at anytime. 
- Should you have any issues with the content, please feel free to contact me. 
- Please answer questions to the best of your ability, honestly. 

By ticking this box, you consent to your data being reviewed by myself (Laurie).  *
How old are you? (Please provide current age and year of birth) *
How old is your mother? (Please provide current age and year of birth) *
How old is your father? (Please provide current age and year of birth) *
Do you have any siblings? (If so please state how many, their current age and year of birth) *
As a child, which parent did you seek comfort from the most? *
Why is this? *
Did you seek comfort from a trinket/blanket/stuffed animal as a child? *
Do you know when (if) you stopped seeking comfort from it? *
What was your mother's occupation around your time of birth? *
What was your father's occupation around your time of birth? *
Did your parents take the full maternity/paternity leave? *
Did your parents suffer from mental health issues when you were young?  *
In your opinion, do you think you'd rather have an older parent or a younger parent? Please explain your answer. *
How much of an age gap is there between your parents?  *
Did your parents have a stable income when you were an infant?  *
Have you always lived in a 'family home'? *
What is the status of your parents' relationship? *
How much would you consider yourself an 'independent' or 'clingy' child? *
Did you prefer to play alone or with someone else, as a child? *
Did you easily make friends when you were young? *
Did you seek approval from your peers? *
Did you seek approval from your parents? *
Have you ever been involved with social services? (Foster Care etc.) *
Have you ever been involved with the police? *
Have your parents ever been involved with the police? *
Have any of your other family members been involved with the police? *
Do you think a child raised in a stable environment would have a 'better life'? *
Explain your previous answer. *
What disadvantages are there to having a child at a young age? *
Are you currently in/Have you or Are you planning to go onto higher education? (University) *
Did either of your parents go onto higher education?  *
Did you get much attention from your parents? *
What is your dream career? *
How much would you consider your parents 'emotionally available'?  *
Emotionally Available
Emotionally Unavailable
How easy do you find creating and maintaining relationships? (Romantic and Friendships) *
Not well
I can maintain healthy relationships
How much of a 'social person' do you perceive yourself as? *
Introverted (Not Social)
Extroverted (Social)
Did you struggle with mental health as a child? *
Do you struggle with mental health at your current age? *
Were there any traumatic events during your childhood? *
How did you cope with that? (Give as much detail as you're comfortable with). *
Were your parents 'strict'? *
Did you attend pre-school or nursery?  *
Do you enjoy learning? *
Did your parents go out a lot when you were an infant/toddler so that you were left with babysitters? *
At what age do you feel you started to become independent? *
Do you think you form attachments easily at your current age? *
Do you find yourself to be a loving and nurturing person? *
Are you affectionate with others? *
Were your parents affectionate with you? *
Are you often snappy with people you're close to?  *
Do you find yourself pushing close friends/partners away?  *
Who do you go to when you're feeling overwhelmed? *
Why is this? *
Do you think you could be considered 'immature' for your age? *
When you were young, how did you react to the presence of strangers? *
When you were young, how did you react with unknown environments?  *
Were you okay with staying away from home when you were young? (E.G. Friends' Houses/ Family Members' Houses) *
Do you think you trust others easily?  *
In your opinion, would you parent your future children the same way you were parented? *
Do you think being an 'authoritative' or 'mature' parent is more beneficial for a child? *
Do you think children of younger parents are more likely to have behavioural issues?  *
Do you have any extra information you'd like to provide to help with a conclusion of this study? It will still remain confidential. Thankyou for your time, it means a lot.  *
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