Brown Bag Event: Student Research Application Spring 2022
Hello linguistic researcher,

Thank for your interest in presenting at our Student Research Showcase (aka Brown Bag Event)! Below, tell us about yourself and the research that you would like to present within a 10-15 minute presentation. The presentation date will be on Friday, December 4th, 2020 at 5pm, so be sure to note it in your calendar.

All research projects are welcomed, whether the project was for a course, comps/thesis, or your personal pursuit. We welcome projects done by both undergraduate and graduate students. It is also okay if at this moment (or by the presentation date), you have not yet completed the project. Simply be sure to tell us about what you have completed, and any projected findings or future places you might take the project.

Please submit this application by Sunday, November 15th, 11:59 PM, if you would like to present on a topic. The email address you provide us below will help us keep in contact with you in relations to the acceptance of your research topic presentation and any developments towards the event.

If you have any questions whether about this application or this event, feel free to contact us at our club email: or any of our social media handles (as listed below).

LSA Social Media & Online Communities
Facebook Group: CSULB Linguistics Student Association
Instagram: @CSULB_LSA
Discord Server:
LSA Website:
Email *
Full Name (First Name Last Name) *
What degree are you pursuing at CSULB? *
Which Program are you a part of in the Linguistics department? *
Please briefly describe your research project in a  paragraph below (like an abstract.) What is it all about? If you would like more guidelines, see the image below; provide us only what information you can. Note: your research does not need to be finish as of this application or by the presentation date. *
Captionless Image
How would you like to present this research at the event visually? (Just to give us a general idea of what you'll need) *
(Optional) Would you like any of the following services below from the LSA or faculty?
Do you require any accommodations? (e.g. Hearing, visual or other types...) *
If yes, please state the accommodations you need.
(Optional) Are there any additional details you would like to add to your application or ask the LSA about?
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