KUMPUL Partnership Form  
Hello from KUMPUL!

KUMPUL is one of the largest innovation and ecosystem enabler in Indonesia, that accelerates the process of creating successful enterprises by providing educational components, cohort-based programs, and networking opportunities. 

To support the growth of entrepreneurs, KUMPUL is very open for collaboration. 
Please fill the form below (feel free to fill the form in Bahasa Indonesia or English)

Link Form Partnership KUMPUL 

List of partnership:
a. Community Partnership : refers to partnership with your event / program publication b. Industry Partnership : refers to short/long-term or program-based strategic partnerships
c. Speaking Engagement: refers to provide speakers / moderators / experts from KUMPUL
d. Content Collaboration : refers to partnership with your institution to collaborate in creating contents with entrepreneurship theme

 Thank you

Let's connect with us
▶️ www.kumpul.id 
▶️ t.me/KUMPUL_ID 
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