Neighborhood Leadership Academy 2023 Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in applying for an NLA scholarship! We offer both partial and full scholarship opportunities. Our scholarship application deadline is August 7, 2023.  For questions about the NLA scholarships, please contact Tasnim Haq:
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Email *
Name *
What community or organization are you representing?   *
Are you interested in the St. Louis in-person cohort or the Missouri-wide hybrid cohort?  *
How will you and your community benefit from your participation in Neighborhood Leadership Academy? *
In one paragraph, please describe a potential project that you would like to develop for your community. *
What other resources in your community have you sought out for financial support to participate in the NLA? *
How much scholarship funding are you requesting ($0-$325 = full tuition) *
Phone Number: *
Zip Code: *
How did you hear about NLA? (name of person, email, social media, etc) *
In which MO County do you live in and/or work? This will help us place you into a cohort with geographical colleagues.  *
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