XOKA IT Solution Angular and Payton  Programmer written Interview
This form is one of our processes that we should follow to  evaluate your views, skills before joining our team.
After you summit this form you will be contacted for an interview and  code review of your past projects or assignments.  This is is one time process  we will use it  for current and future business we will do together.


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Witch part of software development team you want to work?. *
Your Birthday *
Do you think you could develop  quickly in  angular / Payton ? *
 How much are you  expecting from this, to get monthly including tax in ETB?. we are sensitive on it. *
Any Other remark?.
We need Unit test for every function, can you write one?
Clear selection
Our Programmer positions are divided in to  4,  please identify in which position you see your self?.   *
 how Mach time can you give for  coding  in  day persistently *
Mobile Phone *
Have you used Source control before ? *
Suppose you are one hour away from the product shipping hour and discover a bug in your software. What do you do? *
How do you rate your self on meeting deadline, rank your self 1-5 *
Full Name *
Email *
What is the hardest challenge you have faced in your current position? *
Date of Birth *
Are you employed now?  If yes where? *
Did you participate in agile development team before? *
We use daily build or nightly build approach, do you know about it? if yes tell us More *
How many Hour will take you to create  advanced UI including CRUD, using web API, MVC and MSSQL Database table, see the link  for sample form *
We have two shifts, Day and night shift, if you are day shift : 8:30AM – 17:30PM in our office *
Name of the college/university you study? *
What's your biggest weakness? *
Your Addres: Region, sub city, Woreda ?
Years of experience *
pls put your reference phone number and email. *
Do you have an employee TIN Number? *
If you are employed how mach was  your last  basic salary  In ETB?   *
What aspect of Web development do you feel weakest in?
It is mandatory you have all, please confirm? *
In you Last  projects what was your focus? *
Previously  What technologies did you use to communicate with the database, and where was the data stored? *
where did you work last time as programmer ? company name *
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