Online LessWrong Community Weekend application form
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Email *
Name *
Where do you live? (Country, City) *
Pleas write your country, then a comma, then your city. "[country], [city]".
What is LessWrong for you? *
Have you been to the LessWrong Community Weekend before? *
What are you interested in? (Check all that apply) *
These are just some broad categories, and should in no way be seen as a complete list of what topics are welcome.
Describe something you changed your mind about recently. *
The LessWrong Community Weekend is a collaborative and participant created event. How will you contribute? *
For example: Run a game or workshop, give a talk or lightning talk, program a funny or interesting Discord bot, etc.
Does your contribution require you to get some specific access or tools?
Do you have hearing problems?
Clear selection
Do you have any other disability or circumstances that might make your participation more difficult?
Anything else you want to add?
Clear form
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