WikiWednesday Format Survey
This survey is meant to collect information about the Wikimedia NYC group’s “WikiWednesday Salon & Skillshare” which is a monthly event held for the purpose WM NYC members and visitors sharing information about Wiki* projects as well as for the WM NYC Board to communicate important information about the Wikimedia Foundation and global Wiki* movements with membership.

This survey should take five to ten minutes to complete.
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Approximately how many times per year do you attend WikiWednesday?
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If you haven't attended in the past year, or if you attend very infrequently, what are your reasons for not attending?
What is the thing you like best about WikiWednesdays?
What is the thing you like least about WikiWednesdays?
Please indicate which aspects of WikiWednesday you find to be valuable.
What kinds of activities or topics do you want more of at WikiWednesday?
What kinds of activities or topics do you want less of at WikiWednesday?
WikiWednesday is scheduled on Wednesday from 7 - 9PM. Does this work well for the event? If not, what would you propose changing, and why would you make the change?
In your opinion, does the frequency of WikiWednesdays work well?
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Do you have any other feedback about the format or frequency of WikiWednesdays? If so, what?
At what venue(s) have you attended WikiWednesday in the past year?
If you have feedback about the venue(s), please provide it below.
Do you have a preferred venue or type of venue for WikiWednesday? If so, what are your reasons?
May the organizers contact you if they have additional questions? If yes, please provide your email.
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