1. My teacher demonstrates that mistakes are a part of learning. *
2. My teacher asks us to summarize what we have learned in a lesson. *
3. Students push each other to do better work in this class. *
4. I am able to connect what we learn in this class to what we learn in other subjects. *
5. My teacher uses open-ended questions that enable me to think of multiple possible answers. *
6. In discussing my work, my teacher uses a positive tone even if my work needs improvement. *
7. In this class, students review each other's work and provide each other with helpful advice on how to improve. *
8. When asked, I can explain what I am learning and why. *
9. In this class, other students take the time to listen to my ideas. *
10. The level of my work in this class goes beyond what I thought I was able to do. *
11. The material in this class is clearly taught. *
12. If I finish my work early in class, my teacher has me do more challenging work. *
13. My teacher asks me to rate my understanding of what we have learned in class. *
14. To help me understand, my teacher uses my interests to explain difficult ideas to me. *
15. In this class, students work together to help each other learn difficult content. *
16. In this class, students are asked to teach (or model) to other classmates a part or whole lesson. *
17. Our class stays on task and does not waste time. *
18. During a lesson, my teacher is quick to change how he or she teaches if the class does not understand (e.g., switch from using written explanations to using diagrams). *
19. My teacher encourages us to accept different points of view when they are expressed in class. *
20. I can show my learning in many ways (e.g., writing, graphs, pictures) in this class. *
OPTIONAL: If you have any additional feedback for your teacher, please share it here.
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