Kaiāulu Creators Signup!
Aloha and mahalo for your interest in Kaiāulu Creators! This event combines ʻāina and culture with art, design, AI, and tech tools to share the amazing mo‘olelo of the Waiʻanae Moku. During this experiential learning weekend, you and your ʻohana will become Kaiāulu Creators! You will learn new digital art skills while leveraging existing ʻike to bring the history and stories of Waiʻanae to life in an innovative way. NO art experience required!

Dates: Saturday Jan 13th through Monday Jan 15th

  • Open to ʻOhana living in or from the Waiʻanae Coast!
  • Attendees must commit to participating all three days
  • Keiki (9 years or older) to Kūpuna are welcome
Breakfast and lunch provided all three days

Please fill out one form for yourself/ohana with a main point of contact (you can list additional attendees below). While we will do our best to accommodate all signups, capacity is limited so be sure to submit early!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Home Zipcode *
Email address *
Phone Number
(Optional—please consider providing if you are bringing keiki as this will serve as an emergency contact.)
Please indicate if you are a Waiʻanae... *
Are you Native Hawaiian? *
(Not required for participation. For reporting purposes only.)
Gender *
Including yourself, how many people total will be attending Kaiāulu Creators? *
How many in your group are Keiki (9-14 years old) ? *
If you are a student or will bring ʻohana members that are students, what school do you/they currently attend?
Do you possess a digital device that you can bring to the event? *
(ie. laptop, handheld phone, tablet, etc. —Not required for participation.)
Which organization did you receive this invite from? *
What is your favorite moʻolelo, mele, oli, and/or ʻōlelo noʻeau (story, song, chant, or wise saying) of the Waiʻanae Moku? *
What is your pilina (connection) to the Waiʻanae Coast? *
(ie. Grew up in Nānākuli, family originally from Waiʻanae but living in Kapolei, currently living in Mākaha but originally from Hilo, etc.)
Leave additional questions or thoughts here, such as what you're looking forward to or hoping to learn from this event.
(If you have questions for the organizers, please leave them here as well.)
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