Culture Coding as a tool for knowledge building
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Study information sheet
The study is a part of a wider study on topics related to understanding of the design of tools for embodied learning and its application in context-aware situations.

In this particular part of the study we examine Culture Coding as one potential tool for knowledge building and its exploration as a technology. In it’s essence Culture Coding is an instructional language which stimulates creation of own conventions and makes them valid in much wider context than just artistic expression. Although in its form similar to an extent to computer code, in its implementation is extended by one more dimension: individual interpretation. This makes Culture Coding as large as human potential and creativity. As a side effect it additionally enriches a variety of instructive styles for humans, still so poor comparing to abundance of those styles for computers. Since most of written expressions which we are used to are mostly focused on capturing the things that have already happened, it makes us to understand the meaning from a passive position. Culture Coding aims to shift the approach of its writer and reader from passive to active. This transformation makes creation of an open source cultural library, directly supporting the creation of new forms, possible.

For the purpose of this study we are developing a specific strain of Culture Codes that are goal-oriented and aim to create a rich ecology for participation.

The main mission of this strain is the development of culture codes as tools for sharing one’s interests, passions, skills, techniques and other type of knowledge. We are in the process of creating a framework for creating personal culture codes which will help in training the users in creating their own code. That code will propose the conscious use of the body senses. The participants in this session will create and possibly co-create new culture codes. The created codes would be given to another user who will get to experience the interest/passion/skill/knowledge of the one who gave it in a very special and unique way. These Culture Codes are designed to create particular experiences of bonding to the subject for the one who is performing them and thus learning from it.

Another objective of this research is to explore the relationships one has with an object of knowledge or an agent that assists in the obtaining of new and meaningful information. Culture Coding strives to question these relationships while offering alternative and additional attachments to the object or agent. It is important to mention that the session of testing of existing Culture Codes as prototype tools is documented by photographing the created codes and the participants in the study fill in an open-ended questionnaire related to the study.  

The mechanisms of participatory design of Culture codes as tools are investigated in parallel with an aim of building a better understanding of the process of creation. This would help in the next iterative cycle of participatory design of the tools and its guidance.
Informed consent form *
Name of study: Culture Coding as a tool for knowledge building. Research method: Qualitative study. Open-ended questionnaire. Researcher in charge: Doctoral candidate Jana Pejoska-Laajola from Aalto University, Department of Art, Design and Architecture, MediaLab. Finland. contact: Research Collaborators: Agnieszka Pokrywka                                             Consent clause: I have read and understood the study information sheet given to me and I have sufficient information on the process of the study. I understand that my participation in the study is completely voluntary and that I have the right to discontinue my participation at any stage without any consequences. It has been explained to me that a designated researcher will, at my request, provide me with additional details of the general principles of the study and its progress or of the results concerning myself. I understand that the researcher will not identify me by name in any reports using information obtained from this questionnaire, and that my confidentiality as a participant in this study will remain secure. Subsequent uses of records and data will be subject to standard data use policies which protect the anonymity of individuals and institutions.   I understand that my email will not be shared with third parties and will only be used in case of retrieval of missing or additional information. The research results related to me may be used in Aalto University, without a new separate consent, to another study related to the same research area conducted by the same researcher. I am not aware of any medical condition preventing me to attend the tests. I approve that in case there appears an unexpected incidental finding I will be informed about this. By clicking the Accept button, I confirm my participation in this study and agree to volunteer as a study subject.
Sign your full name here (it is used for consent form purposes, not in publishing the research) *
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Write a short description or a list of some of your interests *
What is your most valued object that assists you in obtaining new knowledge towards your interests? *
What sort of communication technology do you use daily *
What sort of a relationship do you have with a piece of communication technology that you own? *
Which kind of emotions have you experienced with it? In which situations typically? *
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