🎬 Marauders Clip Submission 🎬
This is the official  Marauders video submission form - all submissions will be reviewed. Please note that any content that contains any form of copyrighted material will be immediately dismissed. Other unrelated content will just be ignored. Other than that, please submit a variety of entertaining gaming content.
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What type of clip is it? *
Choose which catagory your clip falls into
Name to Feature (On - screen) *
YouTube Channel *
Please tell us which YouTube channel you would like us to mention when featuring your clip
Video Link *
Enter a link to your video here. All submissions will be reviewed.
Description *
Describe your clip here, outline the main features in a few words...
Terms and Conditions
I hereby acknowledge that I either directly own or own distribution rights to all content submitted, including music and visuals. By submitting this video, I hereby acknowledge emitting all rights of use to Zynxize and any partner channels of Zynxize, and thus grant them a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify my content for commercial use. I also stand liable to legal action if I do not have the necessary rights of ownership/distribution of the content submitted.
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