3rd WideHealth Thematic School: Winter School on Trustworthy AI.
Attention undergraduate and graduate students interested in the impact of AI on health: the 3rd WideHealth Thematic School on Trustworthy AI is taking place in person from March 14th to March 17th, 2023 at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany. In order to participate, you must register for the event. Please note that registration is subject to availability and confirmation will be sent via email.
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If you need any accessibility service to fully participate in the Winter School (e.g., ramps), please indicate which ones?
Accessibility requirements
Please note that we will do our best to accommodate everyone with access requirements, but we can not guarantee it at this point. We will reach out to you to know how we can accommodate your needs.
Did you attend the 1st  WideHealth Thematic School on e-Health & Pervasive Technologies in Skopje? *
Did you attend the 2nd WideHealth Thematic School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health in Lisbon? *
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Data and Privacy Policy
Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR) we inform you that your personal data shall be processed for registration and participation at the event. Privacy Policy is available at the following link
 - https://widehealth.eu/privacy-data-and-cookie-policy/

With the submission of this form you agree that you have read and understood the policy about the processing of your personal data by WideHealth project members; And that you consent to the mailing of institutional informative material by WideHealth project.
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