1-3 August 2023 webinar 'Mastering Rook Endgames' with GM Alex Baburin
Please use this form to sign up to our short online course 'Mastering Rook Endgames'. This course will consist of three Zoom sessions on 1-3 August (Tuesday to Thursday), between 20:00 and 21:00 Dublin time. This webinar is for players over 20, wishing to improve their endgame technique. The target audience are players with a rating between 1400 and 1900 (FIDE or ICU), but players outside of this rating band will find it useful too, especially those players who may be lacking formal endgame training.

During the first session we will discuss rook endgames with few pawns on the board, focusing on the following topics: 'Rook vs pawn(s)', 'Rook and pawn vs Rook', 'Cutting off the enemy king' 'Shouldering ('body check')' and 'Liquidating into a pawn endgame'. The second session will be dedicated to playing training positions with a sparring partner or/and against me. During the third session we will examine those training exercises and briefly discuss rook endgames with more pawns present. Participants will receive a PGN database with games/positions covered in the course.

The fee is €50, payable in advance. Zoom link will be sent to participants on Monday the 31st of July. I may record the sessions and share the recordings with the participants.

I plan to run a number of such webinars in the near future, covering opening play, strategy, calculation, key attacking methods and topical endgames.

Grandmaster Alex Baburin, FIDE Senior Trainer, 19th of July 2023

Увійдіть в обліковий запис Google, щоб зберегти надані відповіді. Докладніше
Електронна адреса *
Your full name *
Your phone number *
Your current age (optional)
What is your current rating? Please indicate whether this is FIDE, ICU or online rating (i.e. chess.com or lichess) *
What your chess experience?
How would you like to pay for this webinar? Please make sure you provide a proper reference to go with your payment - your full name is best! *
Thank you for your interest in our webinar. Zoom login will be sent a day before its start. If you have any further questions, please contact me at baburin@gmail.com or 087-968-2378. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions here. Regards, Alex Baburin
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