Full Time Faculty Office Hour Schedule
Please use this form to report your schedule for Fall 2018.  Please indicate times and room numbers for each class listed and indicate if any office hours are scheduled as online for students in online sections or offsite, for offsite classes.
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Last Name
First Name
MONDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
ex: 10-12 office, 6-8 online, 4-4:30 Slidell High
TUESDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
ex: 10-12 office, 6-8 online, 4-4:30 Slidell High
WEDNESDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
ex: 10-12 office, 6-8 online, 4-4:30 Slidell High
THURSDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
10-12 office, 6-8 online, 4-4:30 Slidell High
FRIDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
ex: 10-12 office, 6-8 online, 4-4:30 Slidell High
SATURDAY: Office hours. Please indicate if any of these are scheduled for primarily online or offsite
10-12, office, 6-8, online, 4-4:30 Slidell High; Onsite office hours should only be scheduled for instructors with onsite classes meeting on campus
Dedicated Student Success Lab TIme
If you have time dedicated to assisting with Math, English, other content or student success activities, list it here.
Special Notes
List any special notes about your schedule here
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