Waitlist to work with Brandi

By filling this out, you are showing interest with no commitment. Info is gathered to determine which offerings would be the best fit for you. 

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What is your current business status? *
What is your business niche or primary focus? *
What's your visionary goal and thing you really want to leave a legacy with in your work? *
Are you having trouble stepping into the next level of growth that you want?  *
If you had to name one thing that's holding you back right now, what is it? *
What are the circulating thoughts or stories you keep having about this—especially the ones that are frustrating you? *
If you could move through this and create success—on your terms—what would that look like for you? Be as detailed as possible: *
Where do you feel your nervous system fits into this process?  *
What impact would it have for you to move through this? Check all that apply: *
Now, in your own words: What impact would it have for you to move through this barrier?  *
What was your 2023 revenue? 
What financial impact does your business have? *
Have you hired a coach or mentor before? *
How did you learn about me and my work?  *
What's your first and last name? *
What's your best email address? *
Please link your website: *
Please link your Instagram profile (and any other socials you regularly use): *
If you could learn to manage your nervous system to maximize your success, would you be interested right now? *
What are you willing to invest in to get this done? *
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