Welcome to Glamis Adventure Playground!
We operate an open access policy. This means that there is no charge for coming to the adventure playground and children can come and go as they please. The playworkers are there to support your child(ren) and young people('s) play. Please speak to them if you have any questions.
Risk and Play
Engaging in challenging play and taking risks is all part of childhood and one way that children can learn about themselves and explore the world around them. At Glamis Adventure Playground children can experiment and explore, run around and have fun.
Our Rules
1. All children and young people are welcome to play, have fun and enjoy themselves
2. People are kind to each other
3. People listen to each other
4. There are no fights
5. Swearing and abusive language is not ok
6. Staff, Children and young people respect each other
7. There is no smoking, drugs, alcohol or knives allowed on site
8. We aim to have only healthy food onsite - no fizzy/caffeinated drinks or junk food, please