U-21 is held Friday evenings in Albuquerque. Do you feel that you can attend somewhat regularly? If you would like to volunteer with U-21 but cannot commit to Fridays, please reach out to Selena Richardson at richardsonselena98@gmail.com. *
We ask each volunteer to disclose any potential conflicts of interest with U-21. Do you have any employment or other personal or business relationships that could be a conflict of interest? *
Your answer
We require our Facilitators to pass a simple background check. Is this something you would agree to? *
We do not require references at this point in the process. If we feel that we would like references, we will let you know and give you adequate time to prepare them. If we do ask for references, is that something you would feel comfortable providing? *
Is there any other information you would like us to know? (self-identifiers, hobbies, expertise, job, volunteer experience, etc.)