Why I do what I do:  Testimonies about LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Va Conference United Methodist Church
Thank you for sharing your personal testimony about LGBTQ+ inclusion.  By completing this form, you are giving permission to Virginia Methodists for a New Thing (VMfaNT) to share your story via our public Facebook page, our private FB group, our blog (https://www.anewthingva.com/blog), and our email distribution list.  IF YOUR STORY IS CONFIDENTIAL, BE CAUTIOUS NOT TO SHARE ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION.  Neither your name nor your demographic information will be linked to your story unless clear permission has been granted.  Demographic information is requested only so that only those overseeing this project (Rev. Beth Givens, Rev. Kendra Grimes) can be mindful of whose voices are being heard.  

Perhaps you feel called to share about a bold step you've taken for inclusion?  Perhaps it was a difficult conversation, an action you took that could have great consequences?  Have you lost relationships with family/friends/church family over the topic of LGBTQ+ inclusion?  Perhaps you feel called to share ways that you have not been able to say or do things you feel strongly about because of the consequences attached to those actions?  Hearing your pain, regret, or insights borne out of your decisions is also important to share as our communities discern how to be faithful witnesses of the Gospel in our current context.  We encourage you to include testimony about how your church membership/Virginia UMC identity impacts your story.  Answer as many or as few prompts below as you feel called to answer.  A 1-3 paragraph response to each question is ideal, but you are welcome to write as best fits what you have to say.

Questions or concerns?  Contact anewthingva@gmail.com.

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I am affiliated with a United Methodist congregation in Virginia (member, former member, or attendee) *
I have stood up for LGBTQ+ inclusion.  Here's an example or two of what I've done:
Here's why I did it (standing up for LGBTQ+ inclusion):  
Here's how that action (standing up for LGBTQ+ inclusion) impacted me and/or others:  
Looking back, there was a time I wanted to stand up for LGBTQ+ inclusion, but I didn't do so (or didn't do so as strongly as I could have.)  Here's what happened:  
Here's why I made this decision (not standing up, not standing up strongly) at the time:
Here's how this decision (not standing up, not standing up strongly) affected me and/or others:
Here is why I believe we must commit ourselves to active work for full inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in our Church:
Use this space to add any additional comments or testimony that you wish to share:
Please check all demographic indentifiers that fit your identity.  Multiple "checks" are expected.  You may abstain from any categories/answer that you prefer not to complete.  
No one is required to identify oneself.  Skip this question if you prefer to remain anonymous to both the general public and to the organizers of this story collection effort.  If you are willing to share your name and contact information (email and/or phone) only with the organizers, please type it here.  Again, including information here does NOT mean it will be shared publicly if your story is shared.  If you are comfortable having your name attached to your story, please indiciate so when you add the information.  
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