IJA Japanese Language Course | Questionnaire
Please fill out this questionnaire and our Japanese Language Teacher will use the information provided to establish which of the both courses is more suitable for your current language level in order for you to gain the most from the classes.
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Email *
Your name and surname *
1.  I know some greetings in Japanese. *
2.  I can introduce myself and answer simple questions about myself in Japanese. *
3.  I can understand basic phrases in Japanese commonly used at stores, post offices and stations (e.g. “May I help you?” “It’s xx yen.” and “Here you are.”, etc.). *
4.  I can order at the restaurants in Japanese. *
5.  I can write my name, country, etc. in Japanese. *
6.  I can recognise some Japanese writing. Please select any of the below choices that apply! *
7.  I can talk about my hobbies and interests in Japanese. *
8.  I can understand the general content when I engage in small talk and free conversations in Japanese. *
9.  I can understand simple text messages in Japanese from my acquaintances and friends. *
10.  I can understand short work emails in Japanese. *
11.  If I prepare in advance, I can give a short presentation in Japanese on a subject I specialise in or I know well. *
12.  I have studied: *
Please use this space to add comments for Question 12! *
13. I have been to Japan. If your response is 'YES', please tell when & how many times, on business or leisure in the comments below.

Please use this space to add comments for Question 13 if your response was 'YES'!
14.  I plan to go to Japan within a year. If your response is 'YES', please tell when & for how long, on business or leisure in the comments below.

Please use this space to add comments for Question 14 if your response was 'YES'!
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