Job Opportunity for Boys & Girls
सभी छात्र छात्राएं ध्यान दें जिनमें स्टार लगा है उनको जरूर भरना है बाकी के ऑप्शन आप रिक्त भी छोड़ सकते हैं
{Pay attention to all the students who have a star, they must fill the rest of the options, you can also leave them blank.}
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Quess - Winning Together
Name *
Father's Name *
Qualification With Branch *
Year of Passing
Mobile number *
WhatsApp Number
Email ID
Date of Birth* *
Gender* *
Prefered job types *
Category *
Key skills
Total Experience
Industry/Company (किस कंपनी में अप्लाई करना है ?) *
Aadhar Number *
College Name *
양식 지우기
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