NZGDC19 Presentation Feedback Form
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our presentations this year, it is incredibly useful for us to know how we can improve NZGDC and the quality of our content each year.

Your feedback also allows our speakers to receive extra notes on how they can improve their contributions too!

If you have any additional feedback or questions, please contact
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Presentation Stream
Presentation Title *
How would you rate the quality of the presentation? *
Please provide any specific feedback on the presentation. *
E.g. How was the delivery? Was the content appropriate? Was there anything missing? What did you enjoy most?
How would you rate the relevance of the presentation content to the topic? Was the presentation what you expected it to be about? *
Not Relevant
Very Relevant
Please include any additional comments or feedback you'd like to give the speaker. (Optional)
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