Daffodil Hill Growers Fall CSA 2024 Sign Up
Rules and Guidelines:
You may split a share, but the entire share must be picked up at the same time and the shareholders must split it among themselves.  Please note that sometimes the share cannot be split right down the middle.
If you are splitting a share, you must provide the bags, elastics, containers or anything else required to split the share.
If there is something in the share that you do not like, and you would like to donate to the food bank please let us know and we can drop off or they will pick up but we cannot replace the value of the item in the share with a similar item if it is something that you do not eat.
Please try to notify us if you are unable to pick up your share, via email, phone or text. We will contact you if we don't see you at pickup in the event we are unable to reach you and do not hear from you by Wednesday night your share will be donated Thursday  to the Southbury Food Bank
Start and end dates listed are approximate, you will be notified via email weekly with what is happening at the farm
You will also receive an email confirming your signup for the CSA after we receive this form and payment
You must bring your own recyclable bags with you for pickup, your share will be sorted into picking bins but the bins must stay at the farm and you will be responsible for packing your share into bags for you to bring home
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Fall/ Early Winter CSA Sign Up 2024
Beginning approximately October 22 - Dec 17 . We will notify you one week prior to start, historically we begin either a week earlier or week later than the approximate start dates !
Email address *
Name: *
Address ( street and town) *
Phone *
Can you recieve text messages at above phone number *
CSA Pickup Day *
Share Size *
Add Ons
A deposit of 1/2 is due at sign up after completing this form please mail your deposit to
124 horse fence hill road,
 Southbury, CT 06488
 contact us to drop off !
Checks made payable to Daffodil Hill Growers

Payment can also be made by Venmo using @daffodilhillgrowers

 If you are only paying for one season remainder of the payments can be split up as the customer needs with final payment needed by August 20th. We appreciate any payments made in full as they help us purchase items to begin the season.

If you wish to sign up and pay for BOTH summer and fall seasons combined and are paying 
by March 10th. 
CASH, or CHECK  10% discount
VENMO 5% discount
Please note discount is only available if you are signing up paying BOTH seasons. We cannot honor discounts for single season or if you wish to use a credit card.
The Fine Print
By completing this form, I understand this is a community supported venture and that although the farmer is committed to the best of their ability to grow high quality produce there are risks in agriculture (Mother Nature’s whims) that are shared by the whole community. I understand that my payment in full entitles me to a share of the produce harvested by Daffodil Hill Growers during the growing season. Failure to pick up the share within 24 hours of arranged pickup time above without prior notification will result in the loss of your share for that week.
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