Lang Belta Word Request #1
There is power in numbers! If we ask for words together, we might get them!

Here are the "high priority"-ranked words from the Word Request Document
( we have been working on together. We will choose our top 3 and ask Nick for their Lang Belta equivalents on Friday, 12 January 2018.

To vote, select your top 3 choices. Please place only one checkmark in each column. If you have put too many checkmarks in a column, only your first one will be counted. The final winners will be determined by instant runoff.

Please vote by 10AM EST (3PM GMT) on Friday, 12 January.
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Select your top 3 choices. Only one box in each column, please!
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
end ("I liked the end of Season 2." // "This is the end of the conversation.")
excuse me ("Excuse me, do you know what time it is?" // "Excuse me, I need to get past you.")
happen ("What just happened?" // "This happens every week.")
hope ("I hope we have many students at the next practice." // "We hope to see you soon.")
other ("Click the other button." / "There must be some other way")
problem ("There's a problem with the recyclers." // "I have a problem.")
put ("Put a beer next to that burrito." // "I'm putting some paint on the wall.")
sorry ("I'm sorry for taking the last burrito." // "I'm sorry, I don't understand.")
teach ("Come to MLBM, and we'll teach you some LB!" // "I am teaching Lang Belta to my brother.")
use ("How do you use 'xalte' in a sentence?" // "I'm learning to use the coffee machine.")
Discord handle (optional - I'll let you know if you've made a mistake and checked too many rows)
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