Tuku Marumaru ki te kura 2024 - Expression of Interest form
Tuku Marumaru ki te kura is a bilingual - te reo Māori and English tailored tutoring programme which aims to support ākonga to accelerate and succeed in their learning in their school learning environment.

Tuku Marumaru – he tuku āwhina, he tuku tautoko, he tuku aroha tētahi ki tētahi e eke ai te katoa ki te taumata tiketike: we give help, we give support and we give aroha to each other to reach the pinnacles of achievement.

Our kaupapa is designed to help ākonga (ākonga Māori in Year's 7-13) overcome academic challenges and achieve their full potential. We believe that every ākonga has unique learning needs and styles, which is why we tailor our tutoring services to meet the individual needs of each ākonga. TupuOra will work closely with ākonga, whānau and kura (where applicable) to identify their strengths and learning needs providing ongoing support to help them to accelerate their learning and to succeed.

To access our tutoring services, simply get in touch with us by filling in this registration Expression of Interest form. 

Tuku Marumaru ki te kura Tutoring Structure
Type/s: Small-group tutoring
Mode: Online (as agreed to by both tutors and kura/whānau - some face to face options where possible)
Duration: 45min-1hour sessions, weekly for 10 weeks minimum
Fee: $4,000+gst per small group for 10 weeks (To be paid by the kura)

For parents: we are currently creating a program specifically for tutoring at home. Please still fill in the form below.

If you have any further question, please email us at: tukumarumaru@tupuora.co.nz

Ngā manaakitanga,
Te Whānau o TupuOra

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Your Name *
Your role (for kaimahi of kura)
I am requesting support as a: *
Region/Location *
Kura *
Name of contact person on behalf of school/kura *
Your/contact person email address *
Year level of ākonga *
Wāhanga Ako where support is required: *
Ākonga preferred delivery mode *
When would you like the tutoring services to commence? *
Was there anything else you would like to say? *
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