Feral Cat Recovery Centre - Trap Reservation Form                                     2021-V1
Completion of this form implies that you have read and agreed to the conditions of the Feral Cat Recovery Centre Trap Bank found on our website.

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Last name *
First name *
Email address *
Please be sure to enter a valid email address as this will be used to contact and confirm receipt of this  request
Phone number *
Have you taken the Community Cats Toronto TNR Workshop? *
Number of SHORT live catch traps requested *
Maximum combined number of long and short live traps is 6.  Size of traps is dependent on availability.  A credit card deposit is required for all trap rentals.
Number of LONG live catch traps requested *
Maximum combined number of long and short live traps is 6.  Size of traps is dependent on availability.  A credit card deposit is required for all trap rentals.
Number of kitten live catch traps requested
We currently have no kitten traps but hope to obtain some soon.
Number of trap dividers requested *
Trap dividers are in limited supply and will not always be available when renting a trap.  If you require a trap divider a $60 CASH ONLY payment per divider must be left when picking up the dividers.  This will be reimbursed upon return.  
Number of drop traps requested *
Maximum number of drop traps is 1.  A credit card deposit is required for all trap rentals.
Date traps are needed *
We will try to accommodate all requests, however traps may not be available for dates requested.
Completion of this form implies that you have read and agreed to the conditions of the Feral Cat Recovery Centre found on its website.

All users will be required to sign a Trap Rental Agreement upon pick up.  Please email rc@torontocatrescue.ca if you would like a copy of the Trap Rental Agreement sent to you.

In order to make the credit card deposit you must bring the card with you.  

After submitting this application a volunteer will be in touch with you to confirm availability and arrange a pick up time at the Recovery Centre.  Please do not come to pick up traps until you have been notified that they are ready.  If you have not received notification within 48 hours, then please email rc@torontocatrescue.ca 

By clicking Submit you confirm the information provided is correct and that you agree to the terms outlined above and on our webpage.

Acknowledgement *
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