Mock Test-10  (WBCS Prelims 2019 - SET-10)
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 A person suffering from an uncontrollable desire to steal is known as a/an ——
1 point
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   He is —— the phone right now
1 point
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Name the Maratha leader who put forward the ideal of founding Hindu Empire before the Marathas
1 point
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 Who among the following was not the active leader of the Brahmo Samaj ?
1 point
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AIDS is caused by
1 point
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Disinvestment policy implies
1 point
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If DEVICE is coded as BAREXA and ORNATE is coded as ZVMESA, what VIDEO be coded as ?
1 point
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Who was the President of National Planning Committee, set up by the Congress ?
1 point
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The active delta of the Ganga in India lies here
1 point
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A clock fixed on the wall shows a time of 4.25. The time shown by its image on a plane mirror fixed to the opposite wall will be
1 point
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