Meet Penny Annual Reader's Survey
Complete this survey by Wednesday, June 29 at 11:59 PM CST and be entered for a chance to win a $25 gift card to

(Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Winner will be notified by email no late than July 1st and will have 24 hours to respond.)
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First Name (To notify you if you win) *
Email Address (To notify you if you win) *
What is your greatest struggle as a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian? *
Which is your greatest financial concern? *
How interested are you in teaching your children about personal finance (saving, budgeting, spending, etc)? *
Very Interested
Not Interested
How qualified do you feel to teach your children about personal finance (saving, budgeting, spending, etc)? *
Very Qualified
Not Qualified
How interested are you in the following topics? *
Very Interested
Not Interested
Saving money on groceries
Saving money on other household expenses
Learning to live on a budget
Using coupons for groceries
Teaching my children to save money on expenses
Building a savings account
Teaching my children to create a savings fund
Increasing income with a side hustle
Teaching my children to earn money
Frugal ways to give generously to others
Participating in community service projects
Teaching my children to serve others
Having fun with my family without money
Traveling with my family on a budget
Showing my family love through gifts
Showing my family love through time
Teaching my children Biblical finance
Encouraging my children to live a Christian life
What are some of your other favorite websites? *
OPTIONAL: Is there anything you want me to know about you, your family, your finances?
OPTIONAL: Is there anything you want to tell me about my blog at
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