Membership form: Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland
Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland (FoRES) is a network of people who support the organization Rethinking Economics Switzerland (RE-S).

FoRES is open to any person who supports the goals and vision of Rethinking Economics Switzerland. By joining FoRES, you support both FoRES and RE-S. Your membership contributions will go in equal parts to FoRES and RE-S. Your financial support helps us to organize events and promote economic pluralism.

By submitting this form, you become a member of Friends of Rethinking Economics Switzerland.*
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Email *
First name *
Surname *
Choose your membership plan: *
Membership fee payment
Pay your annual membership fee via bank transfer or TWINT. Your membership fee is valid for the current year.

Please indicate in your payment order your name and surname which needs to correspond with your name and surname mentioned above. This helps us to link your membership registration to your payment.
Bank transfer information
Rethinking Economics Switzerland
Avenue William-Fraisse 4
1006 Lausanne

IBAN: CH39 0840 1000 0666 6606 6
Optional questions
We would greatly appreciate you answering the questions below. However, you can also send your membership registration without answering the following questions.

By providing us your affiliation, title and occupation, you help us to know our members better. We collect this information to eventually reach out to you and/or connect members from the same organization (upon your approval). 
Your affiliation(s): university, institution, company or other
Your title and/or occupation
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Do you want that we eventually reach out to you and connect you with members from your organization?
Do you want to receive the RE-S Newsletter?
* As per the statutes of Rethinking Economics Switzerland (RE-S), membership in FoRES does not convey any voting rights in relation to matters of RE-S. The only voting members are the actual student groups themselves so that the directions taken by RE-S are true to the active student members' interests. In order to receive a current copy of the statutes, please send an e-mail to:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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