Declaration of Campaign Intent
The following survey must be filled out in order to run for Mayor of Brickell West.
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Email *
What is the National Animal of Brickell West? *
5 points
How many votes does each member of the Brickell West City Council get? *
5 points
What is your name? *
10 points
On a scale of one to ten, what is your favorite color of the Alphabet? *
5 points
What is the National Animal of Brickell West? *
5 points
Why do you want to run for Mayor? *
5 points
What qualifies you to run for Mayor? *
5 points
What year did the Brickell Revolution begin? *
5 points
In what year was the modern day Brickell West Flag created? *
5 points
In what year was Mayor Chazz Woodson first elected? *
10 points
In the best selling book, "Brickell West, a historia", what page covers the Masisa family's coordination against the families of then-Western Brickell? *
5 points
What was the fate of the Sitting Lemur tribe? *
5 points
In what year did the Limestone rush begin? *
5 points
How many votes does the Mayor of Brickell West get in City Council Votes? *
10 points
How many members are in the Brickell West City Council?
5 points
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What law of Brickell West dictates the current system of government? *
5 points
What was the first Brickell Settlement named? *
5 points
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