2021 NCEF Teacher Classroom Grant Application
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North Central Education Foundation Teacher Classroom Grant Application
Teachers in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan Counties:
The North Central Education Foundation is gearing up for their Fall Campaign that will once again focus on small classroom grants for teachers in the four counties served by North Central ESD. Our hearts go out to the administrators and teachers across our region/state as they continue to pursue their commitment to teaching our students during this unprecedented time impacted by COVID19. We are all navigating together this new reality with limited and evolving information while trying to adapt to new resources and continuing to address the needs of students remotely. As the look of education changes, we anticipate that teachers will seek funding in ways that don’t fit our usual grant categories, so we have updated our categories to be more relevant in these unprecedented times.

Our NCEF Fall Campaign will help to supplement teacher classrooms by providing classroom grants ($300) for teachers in each county served by North Central ESD. Please note that this year you may apply in five categories:
Music/Arts, STEAM/STEM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), Literacy, Wellness/Social Emotional/Health, Financial Education, and Cultural Awareness/Social Studies/History.

Thanks to the Woods Family Music and Arts Fund for providing Fine Arts grants, the Young Adult Consumer Education Trust (YACET) for their support in the Financial Education category, and the Friends of Lower Grand Coulee (FLGC) and the 9/11 Spirit of America Foundation for the Cultural Awareness/Social Studies/History category.

Available again this year: We are excited to announce two new opportunities.
The grant opportunity provided by the Friends of Lower Grand Coulee (FLGC) has been extended to all districts within the North Central ESD region, whereas last year it was available for the most part just to teachers in districts located within Grant County. Teachers are invited to apply for FLGC grants in areas of Social Studies, Literacy, Music and Arts, STEM and STEAM that occur inside or outside of the classroom and are related to study of the Lower Grand Coulee.

NCEF Foundation is partnering with the 9/11 Spirit of America Memorial Foundation to offer three $300 grant opportunities for students to reflect upon the significance of 9/11/2001 to our history and the impact on our society. One grant will be awarded at the elementary, middle and high school level.

Please fill out your application below by Thursday, September 30, 2021. Announcements for grant winners will be made by mid-October and awarded on October 28. If you have any questions about the grant application, please contact Eldene Wall at eldenew@ncesd.org or 509.669.6838.

Some examples of teacher grants that have been funded in the past include:
Structures of life—a web cam to study the life cycle of the osprey
Music & Arts: Ceramics, Drum for Fun, After School Strings Program
“Cooking with Kids” curriculum
Reflex: Math fact fluency—the next generation
Reading programs: “Fall in Love with Reading,” “I Can Read” (take home reading program)
Introduction to Engineering
Life cycle of frogs/toads unit
Technology and Art Integrated
Building creativity through STEM/STEAM projects
Ukuleles for Lunch
Examples of teacher grants that have not been funded:
Magazine subscriptions
Insurance for handheld devices
Books or material no longer funded by school

The purpose of the North Central Education Foundation, formed in November 2008, is to support and assist the educational and training activities of the four counties (Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan) that form the North Central ESD region, as well as to foster collaboration between school, business and government agencies for educational purposes and providing scholarships and services to schools.

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