San Gabriel Valley Youth Summit 2022 Registration                                                                            
Hello friends! Thank you for taking time to sign up for the amazing workshops available for the 13th Annual SGV Youth Summit 2022: Rise to Be Resilient!

Please make sure you fill each line out to your best knowledge! Make sure your NON-SCHOOL EMAIL (gmail, yahoo, etc.) is correct so you will be able to receive all the information for each workshop at least a week before (some school emails will not allow us to email you). Please select one workshop for each session period. Please note capacity for each workshop is first come first serve and is limited to the first 20 registrants per workshop

At the end of each workshop, we will have opportunities to win prizes! Our grand prize will be announced towards the end of the Summit.

Be sure to look out for our emails - we will send you a friendly reminder!

Please note, if you try to sign up the same day for registration, the online registration will close at 9:00am on the day of the event, Saturday, 6/25/2022. (We can't get to last minute sign ups!) However, if there is capacity, we'd love to welcome you at our onsite Registration/Check in at 8:30am-9:00am!

Please email us at if you have any questions! See you at the Summit! :)
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Email *
Event Information
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2022
Time: 8:30am - 4pm
Location: Richard Garvey Intermediate
2720 Jackson Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770
Tentative Agenda
Onsite Registration/Check In:


Opening Remarks

Keynote Address

Concurrent Workshop Session 1: (5 choices; 20 youth capacity)
Concurrent Workshop Session 2: (5 choices; 20 youth capacity)


Concurrent Workshop Session 3: (5 choices; 20 youth capacity)

RISE Activity/Rest & Reflect/Networking at Booths

Panel Discussion Circle co-facilitated with APFC, CPAF, and IMPACT Youth

Youth Showcase

Closing Remarks/Program End
Grand Prize: HP 14" Chromebook Bundle
Name (First and Last) *
Preferred Name (If any)
Email, please use a non-school email (gmail, yahoo, etc). Some school emails won't work when we email out info. (i.e. *
Age Range *
Ethnicity *
Gender Identity *
Middle or High School Name *
If your school was not listed above, please write it here or write N/A if it was listed. *
How did you hear about Youth Summit? *
Please select a workshop you would like to attend for the starting session (9:30am - 10:30am). *
Please select a workshop you would like to attend for the morning session (10:45am - 11:45am). *
Please select a workshop you would like to attend for the afternoon session (1:15pm - 2:15pm). *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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