#INIT-016.  Pharmacy Sector Workforce Initiative Mailing List and Study Sign-up Form

This is the mailing list and study sign-up form for #INIT-016, the Pharmacy Sector Workforce Initiative in the RAPID Alliance, a project in the RAPID Alliance / STAR Study in the National Science Foundation Center for Health Organization Transformation at the University of Louisville. There is no cost to participate.

After signing up, you will receive access to the RAPID Alliance community intranet. You will also be automatically enrolled in the RAPID Alliance / STAR Study.

For more information, please visit https://www.rapidalliance.org/about/research-disclosure.

Thank you.  
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Name *
Reason for interest
Primary Email *
Secondary Email (if Applicable)
Preferred Pronoun
Credentials (e.g., PhD, PharmD, JD, lived experience expert, etc.)
Organization(s) (if applicable)
Phone (if there is a need to contact you directly)
Administrative Support Contact Information (if applicable)
Sector (What are your areas of focus)?   *
What Role(s) Are You Interested in Playing in the Initiative? (check all that apply)
RAPID Alliance / STAR Study Community Understandings
As part of this study, each invited participant is asked to do their best to interact with other participants in accordance with the following guiding principles.

- Our north star is improving the health and wellbeing of people and patients everywhere

- We serve the public good

- We honor and respect all voices

- We strive to do our best to relate to one another in each interaction so that each person involved feels honored and respected for who they are in our community

- We rely on science and evidence to resolve questions and guide action

- We design and implement high quality research studies  

- We support research-driven risk taking and innovation  

- We actively work to advance health equity and empowerment for all people  

- We actively engage students and early-stage researchers in our research

- We make decisions collaboratively using consensus-based decision-making practices

- We make decisions efficiently using best practices for organizing governance and management of large-scale collaborative projects

- We do not engage in political advocacy

- We do not engage in anti-competitive activities

- We don’t support advertising or promotion of commercial products or services

- What happens in the community stays in the community

These principles are offered as a guide.  They may be modified from time to time based on conversations among  participants in the community.
Thoughts about these guiding principles?
I have read and understand these guiding principles *
Automatic Enrollment in the RAPID Alliance / STAR Study (Please Read)
Challenges experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic shows the critical importance of research and action to accelerate the development and spread of transformational innovations for protecting and improving health in populations. How can we do much better at getting medications, vaccines, and related services to the people who need them safely, and efficiently?  

To help advance this area of science, RAPID Alliance participants will also be automatically enrolled in the RAPID Alliance / STAR Study. This five year long, multi-stakeholder, multi-university study is being conducted to develop better answers to the following question:  what factors affect the speed with which large-scale transformational innovations for improving the health of people can be developed and implemented in society?  

Insights and perspectives you choose to share in the RAPID Alliance project will help contribute to the RAPID Alliance / STAR Study knowledge base to help strengthen answers to this question.  As the researchers learn more, they will rapidly share the results of what is learned to help you and other participants speed up the processes of doing research and taking action to  protect and improve the health and wellbeing of people you and your colleagues and organizations serve.  

The RAPID Alliance / STAR Study is an IRB exempt study. No significant risks are identified with participation. Participants may unenroll at any time by leaving the RAPID Alliance or other communities connected with the study.  

For more information, please visit https://www.rapidalliance.org/about/research-disclosure.  
RAPID Alliance / STAR Study Understandings *
Any Comments or Questions?
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