Dust Mitigation Subgroups Interest
Each Subgroup will kickoff once a Lead and at least one Co-Lead are identified.

Expected subgroup products are defined below:
a. Capture Quad Chart: Single slide presented at the focus group monthly telecon. Signals the start of the task. 
b. Discussion Package: Short presentation that defines challenges associated with category based on the work of the subgroup. Guides one ~5 minute presentation at a focus group monthly tag-up with 10 min discussion.
c.     Confluence Wiki Catalogue: Overview of subgroup and resources 
d. Archive Package: Revised version of the Discussion Package 

Subgroup roles are defined below:
a. Lead: Responsible for ensuring completion of the task. Prepare and present the Capture Quad Chart. Organize subgroup activities to fully define focus. Present Discussion Package. Edit focus group wiki and edit Discussion Package to produce Archive Package. Can only lead one subgroup, and cannot be a supporter for another.  Anticipated volunteer duration of 1-2 years.
b. Co-Lead: Participate in all subgroup discussions. Agree to produce text, figures, etc. in support of the lead. May fill in for lead as needed. Can only be a co-lead for one subgroup, and cannot be a lead for another.
c. Participant: Participate in subgroup discussions. Agree to review Discussion Package and Archive Package. Can be a participant in as many subgroups as desired.

Current Subgroups:
- Standards & Interoperability (Current Lead: Dan Hawk): industry or new standards for quality and functionality between systems, subsystems, components, etc., standards for testing and operational use cases
- Isolation Technologies (Current Lead: Ron Creel): Technologies that keep dust out
-       Materials & Coatings: Optical Systems (Viewports, camera lenses, solar panels, space suit visors, mass spectrometers, other sensitive optical instruments), Thermal Surfaces (Thermal radiators, thermal painted surfaces, thermal connections), Fabrics (Space suit fabrics, soft wall habitats, mechanism covers), Seals and Soft Goods (Space suit interfaces, hatches, connectors, hoses)
-      Modeling & Monitoring: Gaseous Filtration (Atmosphere revitalization, ISRU processes), Dust monitoring (Cabin and external dust monitoring), Dust modeling (Dust plumes), Lunar landing pads, dust free zones and workspaces
- Mechanisms & Connectors: Linear actuators, bearings, rotary joints, hinges, quick disconnects, valves, linkages

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