Film Screening Request Form
Please fill this out to the best of your ability and we'll get back in touch to work out details and help you promote the screening. Screening permissions will depend on the film's existing film tour. For example, since we're screening in movie theaters in certain cities, community-organized screenings will have to wait til those theatrical dates have passed. We're only planning on screening in 40-50 theaters so chances are, there won't be any issues. But this is a couple-step process, so don't worry if you don't know all the details yet.

You'll have a choice (depending on the method) of charging for tickets (or not).

We're grateful for you interest and look forward to a successful event!
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1. Do you think you can get 100 people from your community to come out to a screening?
2. Would you like more information on how to host a screening at a local theater?
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3. Would you rather screen the film in a non-theatrical venue?
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First Name
Last Name
Organization Type
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Organization Name, if any
Co-sponsoring organization, if any
City, State
Proposed Date (take a guess, no worries)
Proposed Time
Approximate number of participants
Event Description
Will you charge admission? (just curious)
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What format will you be screening in?
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If DVD or Blu-Ray, what's your mailing address?
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