UNITE HERE Baltimore Hospitality Academy - Interest Form
The UNITE HERE Baltimore Hospitality Academy is accepting applications for the Winter Training Session. Register here to be included in upcoming Information Sessions.

The Hospitality Academy is a recruitment and training program for workers seeking to secure good union jobs in the hospitality industry. It is jointly administered by UNITE HERE Local 7, the hospitality workers' Union, and hospitality industry employers.

Tuition for the training is covered by outside financial support at no cost to trainees, including the Baltimore City MOED Train-Up grant. Certification from the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute, ServSafe, RAMP. and TIPS are included, as well as textbooks, training uniforms, and a small transportation stipend. In addition, culinary trainees receive a knife set and carrying case at no charge.

If you are already qualified, our relationships with hospitality employers allows us to recommend hiring you.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone *
Address, City, Zip *
Which training program are you interested in receiving more information about or starting the enrollment process? *
What, if any experience do you have in the food service or hospitality industries? Please list: *
What was your last job and who was the employer? *
Are you currently employed? *
If currently employed, what is your current work schedule?
Have you ever worked in a Union workplace? *
If yes, please describe your experience working in a Union workplace:
Do you have a reliable source of transportation: *
Many employers are beginning to mandate Covid vaccinations. Have you been vaccinated? *
If you haven't been vaccinated, do you need assistance finding a vaccine provider?
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Do you have any friends or family looking for work who may be interested in training opportunities:
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If yes, please enter their name and contact information below:
How did you hear about the Hospitality Academy?
If a Union member referred you, please let us know who it was:
Electronic Signature (Type Name) *
Date *
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