Unbound Blueprint: The Art of Urban Liberation <Call For Artists>


co:census and DivComm have joined forces to host a spring art gathering for our communities. All interested artists, planners, designers, creatives, and performers are invited to submit completed works or ideas for new art for the “Unbound Blueprint: The Art of Liberation” exhibit and community gathering. Our aim is to interrogate equity and justice in urban planning from the point of view of data, art, urbanistics, anthropology, and design. 

The theme for this event is [The Meaning of Freedom]. Artists will explore the idea of urban spaces being confined by rigid planning, symbolized by chains, grids, and constraints. They will also confront the phenomenon of reactance and the processes triggered when individuals face threats to their freedom. Through juxtaposing the concept of natural urban development with enforced order, artists seek to employ their art as a means to examine the necessity of strict planning regulations, with a primary emphasis on the theme of freedom. Examining the contrast between the idea of organic urban expansion and enforced order, artists will employ their artwork to challenge the need for rigid planning regulations. 

We hold an expansive and informal idea of who is an artist. Are you an urban planner who’s a crafter or maker in your spare time? A data scientist who gets a thrill from making accessible graphics or interactive media? An organizer or facilitator who uses improv and found materials to create shared community meaning? Whether you are an experienced artist, a hobbyist or something in between, we welcome your submissions. 

Unbound Blueprint: The Art of Liberation will exhibit art on topics broadly related to the culture and design of cities. Submissions can range from personal reflections, research-based thesis projects, material adapted from other work, participatory / crowd-sourced art, etc. We are especially interested in pieces that are borne from Black and Brown communities of NYC.

Artists can submit an application to exhibit any visual, spatial, physical, or performance artwork or creative material that uses symbols, shapes, colors, lines, voice or presence to depict the subject of their work.You may submit a description of art you have already created, or a concept for art you would create for (or even during!) the May 21 exhibition. Individual artists and collaborations are welcome.

The artworks can be in 1D, 2D, or 3D forms and can be of any medium including photography, mapmaking, graphic art, data journalism, printmaking, digital art, mixed media, installations, spoken word, dance, improvisational performance. We also welcome concepts for an activity or experience that invites event attendees to make art together with you.

Application Requirements + How to Apply 

We encourage submissions that represent a diversity of experiences, viewpoints and mediums. This may take the form of photographs, design projects, infographics, interviews, performance art. What works for you, works for us. 

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