Professional Foster Program Interest
The Dogs Playing for Life (DPFL) Professional Foster program aims to transfer eligible dogs in our program to professional dog trainers, rescues, and experienced foster homes who have the ability to be the bridge between our advanced behavior program and a permanent home. Some of the dogs in our program come with a stipend of up to $2,000 upon successful adoption, thanks to our sponsors. Because they have already completed a board and train program with us, we are seeking the opportunity to place them in a home environment with a professional foster who can "proof" the training and confirm generalization of skills until adoption. Each dog comes with a detailed history and training plan for continued success. Please complete the following information and tell us about yourself if you'd like to learn more! You can also email with any questions.
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Email *
Name *
City *
State *
Website *
Do you have an LLC? *
Are you affiliated with any rescue or shelter organizations? If yes, please indicate which groups in "other".
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We rely on professional foster homes to assume the primary responsibility for finding a home for their foster dog and facilitate their adoption. Are you willing/able to do so? *
We are seeking placements who can see their foster dog all the way through to adoption. Tell us how long you are able to foster: *
How would you describe your training style? *
Are you willing to maintain the DPFL training plan and/or collaborate on recommendations for your foster dog's continued success? *
Are you interested in fostering a dog that is not eligible for a stipend? We may be able to offer shadow and/or mentorship opportunities at CCF. *
Anything else you'd like to add?
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