Job hunting networking and support groups (mentee)
主辦單位:EternalOne BioIndustry Club
目標:希望透過同儕間 (mentee) 互助,搭配有經驗的導師 (mentor) 從旁協助,進而讓會員們找到合適的職涯道路並達到期望的目標。
動機:EBC 成立之目的在於連結世界各地之台灣生技醫藥人才,同時我們也在乎每個會員在不同階段的職涯發展。尤其在個人職涯發展中,人們可能對下一步的感到不確定,甚至在面臨挫折時對初衷產生動搖。因此 EBC 作為一個專業平台,將針對會員開設 networking and career support group program。

Networking:建立強大的人脈網絡不僅能幫助 mentee 更快達到個人目標,且讓自己每個階段的職涯擁有其競爭優勢。
Support:mentee 的互助,可以有效率地交換資訊,往共同目標前進,並在教學相長的情況下,強化領導與溝通能力。
Guidance:透過 mentor 的經驗分享與建議,協助 mentee 提升自身的所需要的可轉移和關鍵技能,探索適合的道路。
Success:在成功達到預期目標後,屆時 mentee 的身分可轉為 mentor,並將其經驗傳承及回饋,形成正向循環。

活動時間:預計週末德國時間下午五點,以涵蓋不同時區,每次活動約 1-1.5 小時。
活動頻率:每兩週 meetup 一次,每次由不同 mentor 分享與指導
活動平台:Mentor 以線上視訊平台 Zoom 進行分享 + Breakout Room 分組討論
參加資格: Mentee 須成為 EBC Premium member 方可參加,Mentor 則自動成為 EBC Premium member 作為回饋
活動受眾:凡是各個階段職涯有需求者,即可加入有相似目標的 networking and support group
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First name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Which country are you based? *
Current position *
Company / Organization *
Educational / academic background *
Field of professionals *
Interdisciplinary background *
How soon are you going to begin your job search? *
Location of job search you wish to apply for *
Which country specifically? *
Position you aim to apply for *
Supports you need during job hunting *
Message for the mentors
Personal LinkedIn
I understand and agree that the content and contact information I have submitted will be distributed to the participants of the supporting program. *
I agree to abide by EBC's privacy policy and not to misuse the information shared for profit, harassment, or other improper purposes, and not to share or distribute links and information published by EBC privately. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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