Young Israel of West Hartford Simchat Chaver Program (SCP) Sign Up
We are thrilled to be launching our second round of our Simchat Chaver Program (SCP) group beginning Monday, 04/21 This 'zman', we will be studying the laws of hilchot seuda (the laws of a meal) including hilchos netilas yadayim (hand washing), pas ha'bah b'kisnin (different types of wheat products and what constitutes bread), shinui makom (switching locations as you eat), ha'tov ve'hameitiv on wine and wasting food at the end of the meal. 

Simchat Chaver Program is a relatively new initiative that has quickly become the fastest-growing Halacha learning program in the world! This exciting and innovative halachic study program combines classic sources and modern technology to explore and discover the answers to practical and relevant halachic questions, as well as provide us with the ethical and philosophical background of the halachot being studied. Its interactive and fast-paced methodology keeps the study focused and on pace to cover the unit while prioritizing retention and overall mastery. Each 'zman' (or semester) culminates in an optional written exam and a personal Baal-HaBatim Semicha from Rav Avigdor Neventzal, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and HaRav Herschel Schachter for every member who successfully passes. In addition, the SCP provides materials to bring the learning home with you to your Shabbat table with engaging materials, including Q&A's and comics! 

We meet in-person Monday nights from 8-9:10 PM at the Young Israel. This SCP will be an opportunity to gain practical knowledge in an energetic and engaging atmosphere! The only commitment SCP seeks is a commitment to weekly attendance and participation.

You can learn more at

This series is opened only to men.
 Questions? Email Rabbi Tuvia Brander at
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