National Student Bioethics Association (NSBA) 2025 Annual Conference - Abstract Submission Form
The National Student Bioethics Association (NSBA) is a national initiative committed to providing students with a unique platform to explore bioethics and engage with other students across the country.

NSBA is hosting a virtual, 2-day bioethics conference on Friday, April 25th from 4:00-7:00 PM EST and Saturday, April 26th from 10:00-2:30 PM EST. Each day will only be a half day and we encourage you to attend for both.

Conference registration is free and required in order to keep track of the number of virtual attendees. All students (high school, undergraduate, Masters, nursing, medical and graduate-level) are welcome to submit abstracts to present at the conference.

ALL abstract submissions are due by Monday, March 3rd at 11:59 PM EST.

Please indicate your presentation preferences in the relevant question on this form: 
Oral presentations are 15 minutes long and include a PowerPoint presentation (12-13 minutes) followed by a Q&A. Poster presentations are 3 minute long live explanations of your research poster, which will be shown by the conference host. 

We aim to let submitters know in late March whether or not their abstract has been accepted as either an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Please make sure to register for the conference here once you submit your abstract

If you have any questions, please contact co-chairs Cara Hunt and Shivam Bhargava at
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Presenter's Full Name *
Presenter's Email *
Phone Number *
Presenter's School or Affiliation *
Current Level of Education *
I would like my abstract submission to be considered for: (can select both or one) *
Abstract Title *
Abstract Text (limit of 250 words) *
Co-Author Names and Affiliations (if any)
Have you registered for the conference through the link above? (REQUIRED FOR ALL PROSPECTIVE PRESENTERS) *
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