Family Engagement Survey - Bismarck School District
Please complete and submit as soon as possible - Thank you for your support!
Bismarck Public Schools continually work to strengthen partnerships between schools and families.  In order to continue to do so, we would like to collect as much information as possible regarding parental involvement opportunities within our schools.
Please take a few minutes to complete our Family Engagement Survey so that we can determine how well the district and our schools have met your family's and children's needs.  Your responses will remain confidential.  The results of the survey will be summarized and used to make improvements to our parental involvement program.  
Select the response that most closely reflects how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:
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Parent Name
Which building levels do you have children: *
Select all that apply
Welcoming School Environment
Parents feel welcomed and valued when visiting the school. *
Each family's ethnicity and culture is recognized and respected by school staff. *
Parent/school activities are planned at different times of the day and week to provide all parents a chance to participate. *
School/Parent Communication
Parents receive timely school communication and in many different ways, such as: parent information packets, telephone calls, newsletters, e-mail, parent-teacher conferences, home visits, public meetings and school/district websites. *
School communication with parents is always done in a consistent manner that is available for all parents. *
School communication and information is easy to understand and provided in a language parents can understand. *
Parents are provided regular reports of their child's educational progress. *
Parents are encouraged to communicate to school staff any concerns they may have related to their child's grade/program placement and academic progress. *
Parenting Education Opportunities
Parents are considered an important part of the decision-making process for developing the school's parent education program. *
Parents are provided helpful materials/information about the thinking, social, emotional and physical development stages of their child. *
Parents are encouraged to help with their child's education by providing home and community learning activities. *
School Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer parents are welcomed and appreciated by school staff. *
Volunteer parents are given helpful guidance, suggestions and materials by the school that allow them to best use their skills and talents when volunteering in the schools. *
School staff recognizes and work to remove barriers that may keep parent volunteers from participating in school activities. *
Parents as Decision Makers
Parents are included in the annual evaluation of the school's Parental Involvement Plan. *
Parents are included in the decision-making process for developing the school's Parental Involvement Plan. *
Parents are included in making decisions related to the educational placement and progress of their child. *
Partnerships with Community Resources
The school provides information to parents about community organizations that support their child's learning. *
The school's Parent Facilitator provides opportunities for parents and community partners to become more involved in the school activities. *
Area businesses and organizations are invited to partner with the school in supporting children and families. *
Are there any other areas you would like to address regarding parental involvement within the Bismarck Public Schools?  If so, please comment in the space provided below.  Thank you.
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