Columbia Council of Neighborhoods Neighborhood Certification Form
All neighborhoods must certify their neighborhood each July 1 and update officer information as needed.
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Email *
This form is: *
Neighborhood Organization Name *
Neighborhood Permanent Address *
Neighborhood Zip Code *
Does your neighborhood have an EIN# (Required to receive city and CCN grants)?  If you need assistance acquiring an EIN, see a member of the CCN Executive Committee. *
Neighborhood EIN# (required to receive funding from CCN)
Neighborhood Street Boundaries (List all street names) *
What portion of your neighborhood lies within city limits of Columbia? *
Name of President *
Email of President *
Mobile Phone # of President *
Name of Vice-President

Email of Vice-President

Mobile Phone # of Vice-President
Name of Secretary
Email of Secretary
Mobile Phone # of Secretary
Name of Treasurer
Email of Treasurer
Mobile Phone # of Treasurer

Name of Appointee to Attend and Vote at CCN Meetings (if this is president, indicate n/a) *
Email of Appointee
Mobile Phone # of Appointee
When does your neighborhood meet (ex. first Monday at 6 pm)? *
When do you elect officers (ex. Annual Meeting in November)? *
Form Submitted By: *
Date of Submission *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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