UAA Prospective Mentors Survey

The UAA Mentorship Committee seeks to build professional, personal and purposeful connections between Udall scholars, interns, and honorees through sustained mentorship networks that provide support and guidance in our personal or professional lives.

You can apply to be both a mentor and a mentee.  You can request a mentor or mentee to be the same interest, or you can request a mentor/mentee in another area.  For example, you could be an alumni of the Udall Congressional Intern program; you can request to be a mentor to other Native Americans (e.g. "Same Interests"), but can also request to have as a mentor an environmental scholarship alumni (e.g. "Same Physical Location" or "Same Area of Work").

We will do our best to find you a good match - The more detail you provide the better we will be able to do so!

Expectations for mentorship is that it will be at least one touch base per month (phone/email/video call) for 6 months.

Here are the applications:
Prospective Mentees:

Prospective Mentors:

Thanks All,
UAA Mentorship Committee
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Your Name *
Current Location *
Udall Affiliation *
Scholar, Intern, etc.
Udall Year *
Second Udall Affiliation (if Applicable)
If repeat Scholar, both Scholar and Intern, etc, and Year
Undergraduate College/University Name & Graduation Date *
Graduate College/University Name & Graduation Year (if Applicable)
E-mail Address *
Cell Phone Number
How would you like to engage with your mentee(s)? *
Preferences in a mentee *
Please indicate the importance of the following characteristics in a prospective  mentee
Up to how many mentees would you be interested in per year? *
Number of Years of Work Experience
Approximate - do not include college unless directly relevant
Please describe your work experience as relevant to a prospective mentee's relationship with you (e.g. what sector is your work experience: gov't non-profit, etc.) *
No more than 200 words
Please describe your school experience as relevant to a prospective mentee's relationship with you *
No more than 200 words
Describe the activities, interests, and/or hobbies that are most meaningful to you. *
No more than 200 words
What uncertainties or hardships have you overcome, or life decision points that could provide a needed perspective for a mentee? *
Specific topics you feel comfortable advising about (non-exclusive). *
Additional keywords to help us match you with a mentee
Are you also interested in being a mentee (having a mentor)? *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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