Call for Proposals 2025 Young Child Virtual Conference
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Proposal Information
A limited number of district and/or school presentations will be on the agenda for our virtual conference April 1 - April 8, 2025. The presentations should be focused on how districts and/or schools are ensuring that students in grades PreK-2 are engaged, supported, and challenged. Academic Areas include: Arts Education, Computer Science & Digital Learning, Literacy (reading, writing, speaking), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education.

Developmental Domains Include:
  • Approaches to play and learning
  • Emotional and social development
  • Health and Physical Development
  • Language development and communication
  • Cognitive development
Presentations should be interactive, innovative, and results driven. Presentations will be limited to 45 minutes or less on Zoom and presenters will be responsible for uploading attachments into the Whova app. 

Preference is given to NCASCD members and member districts. Member districts are regularly updated on the website at If you do not know if you are a member, contact Dr. Lillie Cox at

Proposals are due by 5:00 PM EST, March 17, 2025.
Submit Your Proposal
Proposals are due by 5:00 PM EST, March 17, 2025
Title of Presentation: *
Grade Level of Focus: Select all that apply *
Select Academic Area: Select all that apply *
Targeted Audience *
Information for Presenter One: *
(Include name, position, email address, and school district for this individual)
Information for Presenter Two:
(Include name, position, email address, and school district for this individual)
Information for Presenter Three:
(Include name, position, email address, and school district for this individual)
Person to Contact if Proposal is Accepted: *
(Include name, position,  phone number and email address of contact.)
Description of Learning Objectives *
(Limited to 400 characters)
Description of Activities & Presentation Style: *
If a vendor, company, or sponsor is participating in any way in your session, note how and to what extent.
Presentation Information and Logistics
Presentations will be April 1 - 8, 2025 on Zoom.  All presentations will be recorded and made available on the conference app for three months following the conference ending.

Need More Information?
Please email Dr. Lillie Cox at lillie.ncascd@gmail or call 336-549-2876 if you have questions. Thank you for your proposal!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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